Basileios, trusted man of the Philosopher
Los 3003
Basileios, protospatharios of the Chrysotriklinou and trusted man of the Philosopher, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 29 mm, 18.80 g, 12 h). [IC] - XC / O / A/ΓI/O/C - R/A/CH/Λ/H Saint Basil standing in three quarter profile to the left, raising both hands in supplication towards a half-length figure of Christ in the upper left field, nimbate, extending his right hand, holding a book. Rev. RACIΛ, / A’CΠAΘ, ЄΠ, / T, XPΓKΛ TⲰ / T૪ ΦIΛⲰ/COΦ૪ in five lines. Cf. an unpublished parallel in Dumbarton Oaks (BZS.1958.106.4474). An intriguing seal of fine style, struck on a large blank and much better than the DO parallel. Minor doubling, otherwise, good very fine.

Ex SPQR Collection E-Auction 3, 4 October 2024, 868.

The reverse legend of this intriguing seal refers to its owner, Basil, as the 'man of the Philosophos', though the meaning remains unclear. The editors of the Dumbarton Oaks website suggest that he may have been a devotee of St. Basil, who is described as 'a philosopher in the sense of a theologian'. However, the phrase ho tou on seals typically denotes a special relationship of trust between a servant and his superior.

On this seal, the superior to whom Basil was closely associated is called 'the Philosophos', a title that could be interpreted as 'the Philosopher' or possibly as a reference to a member of the Philosophos family.
75 CHF
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